Microchipping Protects Your Lost Pets

Thousands of lost pets end up in kill shelters and never find their way home. Don’t let that happen to your pet!

Microchipping gives you a chance to be reunited with your pet if they ever get lost. All veterinarians and shelters scan incoming animals for microchips, and you always get a call if they’re microchipped.

Give your pet a chance to get home if they’re ever lost! AnimalKind provides microchipping at a cost of $25 per pet for a lifetime.

AnimalKind is making significant progress in protecting animals from euthanasia, with an innovative approach to providing emergency services for pet owners in need and humanely reducing the overpopulation of unwanted animals.

Spay/Neuter Clinic | Trap Neuter Return | Veterinary Assistance | Rescue Actions | Food Bank