Our Rescue Actions Are Lifesaving

Our community knows they can count on AnimalKind to help when no one else will. We are always called when cats and kittens are in life-threatening situations and need immediate care.

• Who do the police call to help cats that have been abused or tortured?

• Who gets called to help a houseful of abandoned cats left behind after a foreclosure or eviction?

• Who gets the call to rescue neglected cats from a hoarding situation?

• Who do neighbors call to save the lives of stray cats hit by cars?

• Who do people call about community cats dying of starvation or illness?

We do whatever it takes to save the lives of cats and kittens: crawling under cars, climbing up trees, entering abandoned houses, digging through hoarding situations, giving medical care to the sick and injured, hand-feeding the starving., bottle-feeding newborn orphaned kittens. Our goal is to prevent suffering and save the life of any feline in need.

Hudson’s Adoption Story:
Before and After:

This little boy was found in the undercarriage of an out-of-state car! Luckily, a family heard the kitten’s cries and immediately called for help.Lieutenant Swartz from the City of Hudson Fire Department was able to safely remove “Hudson” from the engine compartment and bring him to safety.We are not sure whether the kitten traveled from another state or is local. “Hudson” is very sweet, cuddly, and loves to play. We want to thank everyone involved in the rescue of “Hudson.

Teo’s Adoption Story:
Before and After:

YOUR donation SAVES lives!

Remember sweet Teo Thanks to all of you who donated toward his medical care (eye removal) he found his forever loving home.

Teo was rescued from the Animal Care Center in NYC after he was placed on the euthanasia list Unfortunately' Teo is blind and is going to need eye surgery, The recovery process will be long, but our staff will do everything we can to make sure Teo is comfortable and happy.

Ralphie’s Adoption Story:
Before and After

Ralphie found his way to AnimalKind from a high- kill shelter with multiple injuries. After extensive eye and mouth surgery and countless hours of TLC from our medical team and volunteers, Ralphie is now happy, healthy, and loving life in his new home!

Yoda’s Adoption Story:
Before and After

Yoda came in to AnimalKind very weak and broken, barely able to walk. He healed completely after a lot of love from AnimalKind, and now he’s happy to be heading home with his forever family!

Very sick and dirty kitten
Happy kitten sitting in window

Mario’s Adoption Story:
Before and After

When Mario came to AnimalKind, he was very sick, dehydrated, starving, and scared. After lots of special care, he’s on the mend! He’s now a happy, well-adjusted kitten who’s getting fluffier and more handsome by the minute!

Kitten at Animalkind NY with severe eye infection
Kitten at AnimalKind NY healing from eye infection

Reese’s Adoption Story:
Before and After

Little Reese was only 5 weeks old and battling obstacles a kitten should never face. Abandoned, malnourished, and sick with a terribly infected eye, he had no chance of survival. Luckily, he found his way to AnimalKind – where we took care of his eye, fed him special diets, cleared his parasites, and nursed him back to health.

AnimalKind is making significant progress in protecting animals from euthanasia, with an innovative approach to providing emergency services for pet owners in need and humanely reducing the overpopulation of unwanted animals.

Trap Neuter Release | Microchipping | Veterinary Assistance | Spay/Neuter Clinic | Food Bank